Supply List

1 book bag
2 large boxes facial tissue
1 box 16 crayons-regular size and color
10 regular size pencils #2 lead
1 soft rubber eraser
2 broad tip dry erase markers
2 glue sticks
1 8″ by 5′ school box for crayons, pencils, etc.   *This must fit inside the desk.
1 pair 6 inch pointed scissors
2 packages wide ruled loose-leaf notebook paper with red lined margin
1 box ziplock bags (sandwich size) (girls only)
1box ziplock bags (gallon size) (boys only)
1box Twistables
1-2 inch 3 ring binder  *Please do not put your paper inside.
4 plastic folders (no prongs) red, yellow blue, green *It is important to have these on the first day.