Sunday, October 5, 2014

We've Been Busy!

 We've been working on main idea and we read a selection about the Bearded Dragon.  One of our students has one, so he shared photos with us!

 Last week we reviewed plants before our test on Friday.  We watched a short review video each day and took notes. Students could write, or draw pictures with labels.  They are displayed in the hallway.

 We completed our first narratives last week.  This week we'll share them with the class and display them in the hallway. It's fun to read about their experiences!

We are working on reviewing expectations for math stations.  They've done a great job!  This was a  math fact sorting activity. 

We also sorted science words and put them into categories and ABC order. 

This student is working on ABC order.

We've learned a lot!  This week we are getting reading for the OAA on Tuesday!

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