Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Homecoming Parade

This is one of my favorite weeks!  I love seeing the community gather to watch the parade and support the community.  The kids are so excited about being in the parade, or watching their friends throw candy and even seeing their teachers at the parade or riding the rides!  It was fun to see past and present students tonight!

Tonight as we walked past the old elementary, my first 14 or so years of teaching in that building flashed through my mind.

There's a hole in the wall where I spent my first few years teaching 3rd grade. It was one of the hottest rooms in the building.

 In 1999, I moved across the hall to one of the coolest rooms of the building. In this room, we heard the sound of the train passing through town. I remember the stories of the previous teacher in that room and how he'd stand on his chair and yell at the train as it interrupted his class.

These are the same trains that my son and I watch each day as we drive to Utica 14 years later.   It's almost always Billy (the orange train).

The other day I saw lockers that were still labeled 10, 20,30 etc. It was Mrs. Bower's room and then Mr. Bartal's room...  Everyone moved to the cool side of the building when someone retired.

And now we can see through the library.  The library where many wedding and baby showers were celebrated.   That room was a great room for celebrations!

One of my favorite memories in the library was listening to Mrs. Pratt read to my class!  And if I recall correctly, she made the best cinnamon rolls!  They were always a treat during our Christmas breakfast. Another celebration in the library!

The last room I had has been gone for awhile. For a portable, it was amazing!  It was the first room that I taught in with air conditioning. The students were happy to return to the room to work after a hot recess. Make-up days in June weren't so bad either.

My son doesn't remember that room since he was just a baby.  And although he doesn't remember the teachers, he knows them.

It's pretty cool when your kindergarten teacher would have been in Mommy's class many years ago but she was moved to a split class. It's super cool when you can show her son how to play in the fun house.

It's pretty cool when your first grade teacher brought your Mommy dinner when you were just 2 weeks old. What a fun picture to look at!

It's pretty cool to go to your Mommy's school! 

I'm proud to say this is my 21st year teaching at Utica Elementary and  that my son is able to attend this school! 

Here's a fun project from 2002-2003. Copying and pasting is not cooperating tonight.

 Top Ten Reasons We Love Our School
         Utica Elementary is a great school because...

...I have very nice and smart teachers. (Emily)

...we have art, music, gym and library. (Lexi) math teacher, Mrs. Forster, is nice.(Ataley)
...the teachers are helpful. (Luke)
...there is a cool SACC program you can go to. (Danielle)

..we have a nice playground. (Georgia)

What is your fondest memory from the old building?

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